
Links of important websites for your reference.
Legal Information
Website link below of where to get help along with information about Protection Orders.
The website link below is for victims of crime and their whanau or friends to deal with the practice and emotional effects of a crime. Here you will also find information to help you understand the legal and court process.
In the link below you can find information about types of family violence, more information about Protection Orders and Police Safety Orders with links here also to the Family Violence Act 2018.

Te Kupenga
Te Kupenga Whakaoti Mahi Patunga/National Network of Family Violence Services is a national body representing a range of specialist family violence services across Aotearoa/New Zealand. Lighthouse Southland is a member of Te Kupenga.
The link below for Te Kupenga shows where there are family violence services across Aotearoa.
Links and contacts for other services
Below is a list of useful organisations in New Zealand, where you can find additional resources and services to offer you support.
Use the links below to view more information.
Free crisis line 0800refuge or 0800 733 843
Accommodation and ongoing support for women and children experiencing family violence.
National helpline-call free 0508744633
24 hours/ 7 days a week of chat online
Shakti is a national not-for-profit community organisation specialised in the area of women’s development, empowerment and domestic/ family violence intervention, prevention and awareness. We are a specialist provider of culturally competent support services for women, children and families of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin.
Family Violence Information Line that provides information about services that can help you if you are experiencing or witnessing violence, or want to change your own behaviour. The line provides self-help information and connects people to services where appropriate.
HEYBRO is available to listen and offer support for men who feel they are going to harm a loved one or whānau member. 24/7.
Series / videos
Below is a great resource with video links to the four-part series from the Dunedin Study. The series looks at the factors that impact and influence a person’s life. It combines interviews with experts and personal stories showing the path people’s lives can take. Why Am I was named the Best Factual Series at the 2017 NZ Television Awards?

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