Our Programmes

Lighthouse Southland works with men, women and young people by providing education, counselling and support. Contact Lighthouse Southland now to join a programme or service that best suit your needs.

Non-Violence Programmes - Ministry of Justice / Probation

We run several group programmes for those referred by the Ministry of Justice and Probation.

In some instances where a group may not meet your needs, or you need some extra support we can provide individual sessions.

General topics covered include:

Programmes to prevent Family Violence - Self Referrals

We offer group programmes for those who are using violence or at risk of using violence. This programme is for self-referrals or those referred by another organisation.

In instances where a group may not meet your needs or you need some extra support we can provide individual sessions. In our Prevention of Family Violence programmes we walk alongside people as they:

Safety Programme

We offer individual Safety Programmes for those who have experienced violence and family harm and those who need support to:

Adolescent Programme

This programme is for children and young people aged 12–17 yrs. who are struggling with aggressive or violent behaviours. The programme also works with those children and young people who have been exposed to or experienced family violence.

The programme covers:

Referrals are accepted from schools, Alternative Education, Police, other agencies, health professionals, and parents/caregivers.

We work with the child or young person in the school or alternative education setting. However, we can also deliver the programme at our office if this is a more appropriate option.

Adolescent programme - Lighthouse Southland

Our Funders

Safe relationships,
Safe whānau,
Safe communities

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